Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Please. Call me CRAB.

If you've been searching for that great escape, look no further and rest assured--there is a CRAB getaway somewhere out there with your name on it! Curious about what this adventure entails? Intruiged by its tantalizingly crustacean name? Curiousity kills!! It's an adventure! It's called CRAB! Isn't that enough?

OK. Fine. If you must know, honeymoon material is what this is. Romance, pure and simple. Think about it. I mean. Don't think about it. Err. And don't go to the website. Umm. But if you do go to the website try not to be disappointed by the fact that our friend the crab has nothing to do with this Indonesian paradise of cars and dust...and semi-over enthusiastic guys with raised fists.

Tempted? Ready to CRAB it up??? "Fasten your seatbelt...the road was ended..."

Who's in?!?

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